
Asterweg 17a12

1031 HL Amsterdam





113 Zelfmoordpreventie

Houd Moed

What we did




The Challenge

Houd Moed is hét online platform voor iedereen die te maken heeft (gehad) met zelfdoding. Wij kregen de opdracht om een aantal mooie en respectvolle videoportretten te maken van mensen die een verleden hebben gehad met suïcidale gedachten.

Houd Moed is the online platform for everyone who has been affected by suicide. We were commissioned to create a series of beautiful and respectful video portraits of people who have a history with suicidal thoughts.

True Stories

In the videos, we have an open conversation with people who have experienced suicidal thoughts in the past. What becomes clear from this video series is that you cannot tell from the outside whether someone is struggling or not. It doesn't matter if you're a psychologist or a successful designer. It can happen to anyone.

What we did

In collaboration with 113 Suicide Prevention, we selected the individuals and conducted a thorough series of preliminary interviews. Based on this, we developed a concept for each individual to give the video a unique and personal character.

Our stories